bnyk tol benda berkaitan test ari ni... result test energy balance, test mass transfer, result test mass transfer, bincang plak test 2, lebih kurg mcm kena scold la td...
test description: disaster, pathetic, duh!, what?, Oh no I'm stuck!, blank......
sedey je kan... xprepare sape suh? td mase dpt result test energy balance, shinu sbnarnye rase mcm, "ok, this is no so bad..." memujuk diri... kena pggl tulis jwpan plak kat depan (before dpt result) lenguh tgn... huh!
anyway, xkisah...
ape yg shinu kisah? (bace ala2 wonderpets "ape yg penting?")
hal kecik je pun kan, nak bgtaw ke? i segan la.. hehe (gedix)
ok2, sbb dah lame decide nak gtaw.. shinu gtaw je la eh...
mulai hari ini sy nak declare war kat kawan semua!! dan sy akan pastikan saya xkan tewas dlm medan tempur nnt...(dewan exam) ada bran nak fight blik?
ish, bkn yg ni la shinu nak cite, jap nak wat page bru.. matlab expression: A[1,1,1,]
ok, mase lepas abs kelas energy td, shinu berjalan2 dgn kwn shinu ni, tnye markah die, well semua org ade up and down kan... die dah dpt 100 kot subjek lain, ok turn shinu la nak naik ckit... (ok, ckit je... sbnarnye sgt sikit.. lol)
dtg dua makhluk Allah menegur sapa kwn shinu menanya markah energy td...
ok, siapakah mereka? yg peliknya xnmpak ke shinu kat situ? (girl pling besar dlm kelas kot)
maybe, diorg ignore sbb diorg pikir, "ala, ko dpt bpe? mesti rendah dari aku la cnfirm! aku xnak tnye! baik aku tnye kwn die dr shinu ni!" ikotlah ape yg makhluk Allah 2 nak pk... tp ni la ape yg shinu pk...
saya xpuas ati!!! xwujudkah shinu disitu, sesedap rasa nak ignore, dan bergurau senda didepan mata (berpantun disitu)
oklah, xmau gtaw pape dah.. chow!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
the wound because of the cut u did is still bleeding.. why do u want to add more..? I may look strong in front of others, but not to you... my weakness, why do u want others to know...? I show my bright side to others,but why do u want to add more shadows to my dark side since i only show it to u..?
know what? we always had a mutual feeling.. i know, no matter how many questions i will be asking, the answer is clear and it will always be the same...
when i'm happy, I want to share it with u... when i love, i'll make sure u'll have most of it... when i'm sad u'll always be my shoulder to cry on.. when i'm hurt, i want u to heal it..
misunderstanding happens...
I hurt u, and u hurt me back.. u cried because me, now it's my turn...
U might say "never in my mind thinking of hurting u"
"I really do care for u"
"why do u care so much for others more than caring for me?"
know what, i might utter the same sentences the same words to you..
like i said, we always had a mutual feeling...
know what? we always had a mutual feeling.. i know, no matter how many questions i will be asking, the answer is clear and it will always be the same...
when i'm happy, I want to share it with u... when i love, i'll make sure u'll have most of it... when i'm sad u'll always be my shoulder to cry on.. when i'm hurt, i want u to heal it..
misunderstanding happens...
I hurt u, and u hurt me back.. u cried because me, now it's my turn...
U might say "never in my mind thinking of hurting u"
"I really do care for u"
"why do u care so much for others more than caring for me?"
know what, i might utter the same sentences the same words to you..
like i said, we always had a mutual feeling...
sambil bace jgn lupe wat mimik muke sekali eh... bleh3?
gundah gulana
tenteramnya rasa
putar2 tu je la... penat.. penat dgn hidup tanpa tujuan... penat hidup xde sokongan.. penat hidup xde cinta...
org kate:
tujuan ko hidup mestilah sebab nak jadi manusia, belajar, kerja, ada family....
sokongan ko sape? family la... diorgkan ade.. air yg dincincang xkan putus kan?
ek eleh, bercintan cintun ni pun nak kecoh... cari la pakwe sendiri...
tp kita lupa:
tujuan hidup untuk mencari keredhaan Allah
Allah tahu apa saja yg kita lakukan, mintalah sokongan dari-Nya
Cintailah Pencipta kita kerana cinta-Nya kekal abadi...
saya lupa!!!
saya mngeluh bila rasa susahnya belajar, saya putus asa bila ada masalah... saya terlalu cintakan dunia..
tlg bantu saya.. betulkan niat, susun atur hidup, hadapi segala masalah, cintakan-Nya..
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Saya Berduka Lara
penah tgk Lara Croft Tomb Raider?? Manja Lara?? Penglipur Lara Berduka Lara. Lara Suka Melaram Duit Habis Akhirnya Berduka Lara??
Berduka Lara kerana ditipu semasa berduka lara dgn manusia yg mukanya berduka lara... (cite semalam)
Berduka Lara kerana digelar ***** **** *** ****
mengeluh panjang disitu...
sebab2 berduka lara
1. Viva yg xsetel lagi
~sgt bencikan presentation sbb pronounce pkataan mcm budak xcukup umur
~english x ok
~ xsuka reaction pendengar yg kurng baik (menguap, muka x caya, pelik, bosan, etc)
~bru taw hari ini ade test fluid, biotech,mass transfer
~nervous yg membuatkan rase nak g toilet selalu
~tak siapkan lagi and xtaw nak wat cmne
~assignment group :xmembantu pun, sleeping partner
4.lesen kete
~kenapela g amik mase study week??
~xde mase nak study
~membazir duit untuk transport
~penginapan yg xtetap
~apa la yg aku pk
~kenapala aku pk
~bnyk lagi bnda lain nak pk
~menambah semakkan kepala otak nak pk
haish.... saya xtahan dah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kenape!!!!!!!! MODE: BERDUKA LARA
Berduka Lara kerana ditipu semasa berduka lara dgn manusia yg mukanya berduka lara... (cite semalam)
Berduka Lara kerana digelar ***** **** *** ****
mengeluh panjang disitu...
sebab2 berduka lara
1. Viva yg xsetel lagi
~sgt bencikan presentation sbb pronounce pkataan mcm budak xcukup umur
~english x ok
~ xsuka reaction pendengar yg kurng baik (menguap, muka x caya, pelik, bosan, etc)
~bru taw hari ini ade test fluid, biotech,mass transfer
~nervous yg membuatkan rase nak g toilet selalu
~tak siapkan lagi and xtaw nak wat cmne
~assignment group :xmembantu pun, sleeping partner
4.lesen kete
~kenapela g amik mase study week??
~xde mase nak study
~membazir duit untuk transport
~penginapan yg xtetap
~apa la yg aku pk
~kenapala aku pk
~bnyk lagi bnda lain nak pk
~menambah semakkan kepala otak nak pk
haish.... saya xtahan dah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kenape!!!!!!!! MODE: BERDUKA LARA
Thursday, October 21, 2010
saya gundah gulana
gundah gulana, gundah... geledah gulai xde...
hmmmm.. dah gundah gulana geledah gulai xde nak wat lagu mane...
xpaksala geledah ingredients nak wat gulai dgn gundah gulana...
hohohoho... bace laju2... bley??
penah x wat gulai salah dgn org sampai rase, wah!! habislah aku kalau x dimaafkan...
gundah gulana rasenye... xleh nak wat ape dah, "sori2, aku mmg slah td" ayat typical mintak maaf...
sori, naik lori penuh ayam dgn taik ayam sekali pun xlaku...
ha... korg nak wat cmne kalau jd cmni?? masuk keluar tndas?? (gundah gulana smpai sakit perut), masak gulai xpun asam pedas??(serius xde kaitan) sudah2 la shinu oi dgn gulai ko
pnah ke jd kat shinu... hmmmm... jap(searching....file found... is this what u looking for? if the answer is no, u have to do some modification to ur brain, tq)
wat2 lupe plak kan, ade la... bru je lagi kot... maafkan saya... huhuhuhu... serius xnak wat lagi dah...
sbb bile pk blik, mmg kalau shinu wat salah lagi dgn kwn shinu 2 rasa mcm dah xleh dimaafkan dah...
kdg2 respon kita bila berckp ni, wat org rase... terasa lah... perlu explain ke??
pastu org 2 tgk kita muka bengkek je dlm hati "penampor nak??"
gundah gulana dibuatnya, teringat gulai... opss!
merepek punye merepek, motifnya disini, maafkan salah silap saya kwn2, kalau saya wat salah tegur je, jgn wat silence treatment keyh... rase mcm teruk sgt... *sakit2 =(
p/s: dah buat slah mintak maaf terus, jgn simpan nnt jd perkasam, makan ngn gulai dgn hati gundah gulana, walaupun mix mkanan 2 punya la pergh!! sedap tp, bila hati xtenang mkn apa pun xbest... =P
Monday, October 18, 2010
saya dah x tahan dgn awak...
saya dah bosan dgn awak...
dulu, awk selalu jemput saya tepat pada masanya, dpn sekolah saya, walaupun sekolah awak jauh.
awak xpernah mungkir janji..
makin lama perangai awak makin berubah, kalau kelas saya habis pukul 2, pukul 4 bru awak dtg.. penat taw x?? saya tggu awak, xkira hujan ke x, panas ke x...
setiap kali awak lambat, awak ckp "maafkan saya"
tp kali ni saya nak ckp, "awak, sy dah xnak dgr dah perkataan 2, hari ni genap 100 kali awak ckp mcm 2!!"
xsangka lepas sy ckp mcm 2 awk rebah bdn awk sejuk, paper bag awak terbukak... dlm 2 ade baju, kad yg tujukan khas kat saya,
Awak, bju ni saya buat khas untuk awak, maafla selama ni saya amik masa nak siapkan bju ni smpai x sedar dah pukul berapa, maafla saya jemput awak lambat tiap2 hari, tp jgn risau ini yg terakhir, saya janji... Love u...
kenapa?? kenapa... awak sedarlah, tlglah la bgn...
ish budak ni, aku penampor jugak, lembik tol.. bgn2...
ni yg wat ayat jiwg ni pehal, dah xsyg nyawa ke?? nak kena slap kick ke??
ayah saya belikan kereta la untuk saya, awak ade lesen kan?? xyah la nak naik moto cabok yg nak barai bpe minit je lagi ni... esok kita g kelas same ye... yehuuuu.... oh, lupe plak, thx untuk baju 2...
hmmmm.... jom kita fikir sama-sama
nak buat apa ya??
eh hello!!! exam dah dekat!!
assignment dah ada yg bru, hari jumaat nak viva.. requiz matlab khamis
tests yg bakal menjelma... ok semua itu letak tepi!!
kalau space xde kat tepi, belakang pun boleh.. =)
apa korg buat kalau dah serabut alam sgt??
hmmmm... ape yg shinu buat??
habit yg dari dulu sering dipraktikkan, sgt feasible =P (untuk shinu je kot)
1. kalau assignment bnyk: ala~ relax r sampai masa aku siap la.... xpun tiru je manusia yg hebat disekeliling
2. kalau ada presentation: dlm kepala otak "nak buat apa ye lepas abs present, yeah enjoy!!"
3. final dah dekat: kalau ade mood aku study la, ade ratus2 jam lagi kan b4 exam...
4. test menjelma: test?? nape aku xtaw?? haish.. hentam je la labu...
5.bila kelas nak start: jap2 nak main game jap...
warning!! jgn tiru!!
bila umur makin meningkat ni makin bnyk kita fikir kan... nak balik pada zaman kanak2... nak jd perfect kan?? sgt suka bila ada kawan2 yg sgt rajin tlg fikirkan untuk shinu... sob2.. *terharu
1. kalau assignment bnyk: asilah, kita buat sama2 ye assignment
2. kalau ada presentation: nnt kita praktis, tgk ok ke x
3. final dah dekat: weh, wat jadual!! kita study group..
4. test menjelma: asilah, test esok asilah mesti dah study( mengingatkan shinu pasal test)
5.bila kelas nak start: asilah xnak g same2??
thanks kepada kata2 hikmah ni!! =)
chaiyok2!! bak kata adam gaybert lambert: just don't give up, I'm working it out, please don't give in, I won't let you down..... sape I 2?? renung2 kan, fikir2kan... hmmmm...
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Setelah Lama Mengigit Kuku.....
xsenonoh tol gigit kuku ni... kotor kan??
tp apekan daya, sob2 shinu xde nail clipper...
b4 ni siap guna gunting lg...bahaya!!
setelah lama sengsara mengigt kuku sendiri yek2!
shinu pun decide nak membeli nail clipper... yay!!
my new nail clipper....
mengigit kuku ni sebenarnya ada nama scientific nya: Onychophagia
effect of nail biting...
- Red & Sore Fingertips.
- Cuticle Bleeding.
- Infections on your nail bed and your mouth.
- Dental problems, infection of the gums. It damages in the long term the teeth, making them more prone to develop caries.
- Nail deformation.
- In rare cases it can be a symptom of Obsessive Compulsive disorder, and this must be treated with medications.FYI, shinu bukan ada penyakit suka gigit kuku bila nervous ke ape, sgt tak suka bila kuku panjang... geram btol shinu tgk... lepas 2 korg taw la pe shinu buat kan...lagi stu, korg taw x nape kuku kadang2 2 cepat betul memanjang??ade org ckp sbb kita banyak melabor di toilet.. hahaha.. ceh! xsenonoh...
Double promotion!!!
Pada tarikh 13/10/2010, gedix ckp semalam pun cukup... shinu ade test karate... biasala... bila ade test disitulah ade kechuakan.. betol ke tidak, betol ke tidak??ala2 datin wanabe...
lain ckit dari test sem lepas, higher belt shinu la 2 hahahah... xwat movement, punch whatsoever dgn junior2 white belt... so kami disitu menjadi pemerhati, time tu sensei suruh kitorg demo side kick kat die, so shinu apa lagi... sehabis chantek la tunjuk kat sensei
bila dah turn kitorg, ok jantung shinu dah dup dap dup dap dah... shinoda siap ketar... hahaha...
well, anyway kitorg boleh je buat, mcm kacang goreng yg bungkus dia dah siap terbukak, tggu nak kunyah je... ayat berlagak nak mati... ok, tipu!! punch and move xkisah tp bile kick, adoyai~ kaki shinu berat kot! saya mesti turunkan berat badan mcm ni
bile dah semua simple movement tu dah abs buat, sifat berlagak xhilg effect lg kitorang buat kata... means pattern, ala2 cm bunga silat tu... i like!! shinu salah buat, nasib baik examiner x perasan, wow! happy!!
then, sparing.. i hate! sbb kena pukul kawan sendiri... buat betol2 plak 2... so, shinu and shinoda fight!!
setelah selesai itu semua, kitorg again jd penonton, tgk black belt buat kata, me love!!! mmg macho la msing2, jeles saya...yg lagi best bila dapt taw kitorg dpt double promotion... hahahahah.. rasa macam nak buat flying kick je..
masalahnya kitorg xtaw pasni kitorg color ape, coklat la malay kan?? biru ke purple... tggu dan lihat je la ye... hahahah
Pada tarikh 13/10/2010, gedix ckp semalam pun cukup... shinu ade test karate... biasala... bila ade test disitulah ade kechuakan.. betol ke tidak, betol ke tidak??ala2 datin wanabe...
lain ckit dari test sem lepas, higher belt shinu la 2 hahahah... xwat movement, punch whatsoever dgn junior2 white belt... so kami disitu menjadi pemerhati, time tu sensei suruh kitorg demo side kick kat die, so shinu apa lagi... sehabis chantek la tunjuk kat sensei
bila dah turn kitorg, ok jantung shinu dah dup dap dup dap dah... shinoda siap ketar... hahaha...
well, anyway kitorg boleh je buat, mcm kacang goreng yg bungkus dia dah siap terbukak, tggu nak kunyah je... ayat berlagak nak mati... ok, tipu!! punch and move xkisah tp bile kick, adoyai~ kaki shinu berat kot! saya mesti turunkan berat badan mcm ni
bile dah semua simple movement tu dah abs buat, sifat berlagak xhilg effect lg kitorang buat kata... means pattern, ala2 cm bunga silat tu... i like!! shinu salah buat, nasib baik examiner x perasan, wow! happy!!
then, sparing.. i hate! sbb kena pukul kawan sendiri... buat betol2 plak 2... so, shinu and shinoda fight!!
rei<--- bow
sorry la shinoda, U jatuh sbb I... ahaks!!setelah selesai itu semua, kitorg again jd penonton, tgk black belt buat kata, me love!!! mmg macho la msing2, jeles saya...yg lagi best bila dapt taw kitorg dpt double promotion... hahahahah.. rasa macam nak buat flying kick je..
masalahnya kitorg xtaw pasni kitorg color ape, coklat la malay kan?? biru ke purple... tggu dan lihat je la ye... hahahah
Monday, October 11, 2010
ketuk patella!
penah dgr ke??
penah main??
main ke?? bnyak soal pulak shinu ni...
ha... ni nak story ckit... game "ketuk patella" ni seronok sebnarnye hahah
ni rule nak main
1. terkadang atau tertiba wujud ke pkataan ni?? korng tersebut perkataan same dgn kwn korg.. ayat pelik jap aku ulang blik...
korang kena ckp perkataan yg same mcm kwn korg ckp, selalunya xsengaja la kan
contoh:----> aidil: choi!
shinoda: choi! serentak hahah...
2. so, lepas dah terbuat no satu sentuh la lutut kawan korg...
sbb ape nak main game??
suka2 je... xde keje?? hahahaha tepat sekali!!!
normally sape yg sentuh lutut kawan dia dulu dpt bf/gf handsome.. i like!!
p/s: rekaan semata-mata tiada kaitan dgn sudah hidup ataupun yg masih mati.. eh??
tapi shinu main kat rumah game ni advance sikit, kitorg pggl ketuk patella... ketukla tulang lutut korg sampai retak, dpt bf nnt pergh!... dusta!!
well biasa la adik beradik, otak pk benda yg same je, selalu la benda yg sama kitorg ckp..
tp disebbkan jauh, kitorg jerit je... ketuk patella!! same je effect nye... hahah
jom blaja bio jap... ni la struktur tulang lutut kita
penah main??
main ke?? bnyak soal pulak shinu ni...
ha... ni nak story ckit... game "ketuk patella" ni seronok sebnarnye hahah
ni rule nak main
1. terkadang atau tertiba wujud ke pkataan ni?? korng tersebut perkataan same dgn kwn korg.. ayat pelik jap aku ulang blik...
korang kena ckp perkataan yg same mcm kwn korg ckp, selalunya xsengaja la kan
contoh:----> aidil: choi!
shinoda: choi! serentak hahah...
2. so, lepas dah terbuat no satu sentuh la lutut kawan korg...
sbb ape nak main game??
suka2 je... xde keje?? hahahaha tepat sekali!!!
normally sape yg sentuh lutut kawan dia dulu dpt bf/gf handsome.. i like!!
p/s: rekaan semata-mata tiada kaitan dgn sudah hidup ataupun yg masih mati.. eh??
tapi shinu main kat rumah game ni advance sikit, kitorg pggl ketuk patella... ketukla tulang lutut korg sampai retak, dpt bf nnt pergh!... dusta!!
well biasa la adik beradik, otak pk benda yg same je, selalu la benda yg sama kitorg ckp..
tp disebbkan jauh, kitorg jerit je... ketuk patella!! same je effect nye... hahah
jom blaja bio jap... ni la struktur tulang lutut kita
tujuan utama game ni dicipta sbb nak sedap ati je kot.. yela...
cntoh: Gf A yg mempunya Bf A yg xseberapa handsome,
Gf B plak Bf B handsome... so nak cover ketidak-handsome-man 2, main la ketuk patella...
so kalau Gf A menang... yes! bf aku lagi handsome dr bf ko hahahahah!! gelak besar Gf A 2 sape?? lupekan...
seronok x?? kalau rasa merepek xyah main.. g wat kerepek, shinu nak ckit...
Sunday, October 10, 2010
kawan... part 2
saya suka kawan dgn awak...
teruskan usaha!! saya peminat setia blog AWAK!!
p/s: saya letak link blog awak.. click saja awak diatas
p/s: saya letak link blog awak.. click saja awak diatas
Friday, October 8, 2010
nak taw kenapa saya suka kawan dgn awak?
kadang2 bahasa saya teruk, menyebbkan awak tersinggung, kdg2 saya x sedar saya ckp benda yg x sepatutnya
tp awak x merajuk dgn saya, tp awak balas blik... kata2 awak buat saya sedar apa salah saya...
walaupun rasa pedih,(rasa macam kena cucuk kepala), sekurang-kurangnya saya taw kesilapan saya
P/S: pada kawan2, thx sbb beri tunjuk ajar and tegur saya mana yg kurang
Vitamin C
smlm shinu g parit buntar beli benda alah ni...
sudah lama x mkn... selsema shinu xmo hilang(sbb sotong yg bongek masa dinner), setelah mendapat nasihat pakar (mak).. shinu decide kena beli secepat mungkin!
bedasarkan ape yg shinu taw, benefits of vitamin C
1.tingkatkan immune system badan
2.lindungi kita dr penyakit jantung
3. bagus untuk mata
4. hilangkan kedut di muka
cube tgk muka shinu mana ade kedut
sudah lama x mkn... selsema shinu xmo hilang(sbb sotong yg bongek masa dinner), setelah mendapat nasihat pakar (mak).. shinu decide kena beli secepat mungkin!
bedasarkan ape yg shinu taw, benefits of vitamin C
1.tingkatkan immune system badan
2.lindungi kita dr penyakit jantung
3. bagus untuk mata
4. hilangkan kedut di muka
cube tgk muka shinu mana ade kedut
ish!! ape ko buat?? yg ko rajin amik kanta nak zoom muka aku pehal??
of course la I xde kedut, I muda lagi U *gedix*
P/s: sape2 nak boleh dtg bilik I (sejak bila bertukar ni??)
I xjual k, I offer free je... smntara tgh bnyk...
nnt dah ciput nak mintak, jgn harap I nak kasik!!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Home Cinema
boringnya kat di bilik...
hahaha.. keje belambak buat la shinu oi...
so, shinu miskol mak (still x buat keje)...
yay! miskol saja.. kita tggu mak call balik hehehe...
abs je bergayut (ceh! 5 minnit je)...
mak bg msg..
"Kt umah dah ada home cinema. ayah punya keje"
cayalah! syg ayah! xsabarnye nak balik... layan movie dirumah...
hahaha.. keje belambak buat la shinu oi...
so, shinu miskol mak (still x buat keje)...
yay! miskol saja.. kita tggu mak call balik hehehe...
abs je bergayut (ceh! 5 minnit je)...
mak bg msg..
"Kt umah dah ada home cinema. ayah punya keje"
cayalah! syg ayah! xsabarnye nak balik... layan movie dirumah...
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
So scared of breaking it
But you won't let it bend
And I wrote two hundred letters
I won't ever send
Somehow it is cut so much
Deeper then they seem
You'd rather cover up
I'd rather let them be
So let me be
And I'll set you free
I am in misery
There ain't no other
Who can comfort me
Why won't you answer me?
Your silence is slowly killing me
Girl you really got me bad
You really got me bad
I'm gonna get you back
Gonna get you back
Your salty skin and how
It mixes in with mine
The way it feels to be
Completely intertwined
It's not that I didn't care
It's that I didn't know
It's not what I didn't feel,
It's what I didn't show
So let me be
And I'll set you free
I am in misery
There ain't no other
Who can comfort me
Why won't you answer me?
Your silence is slowly killing me
Girl you really got me bad
You really got me bad
I'm gonna get you back
Gonna get you back
Say your faith is shaken
You may be mistaken
You keep me wide awake and
Waiting for the sun
I'm desperate and confused
So far away from you
I'm getting here
Don't care where I have to go
Why do you do what you do to me
Why won't you answer me, answer me
Why do you do what you do to me yeah
Why won't you answer me, answer me
I am in misery
There ain't no other
Who can comfort me
Why won't you answer me?
Your silence is slowly killing me
Girl you really got me bad
You really got me bad
I'm gonna get you back
Gonna get you back
click to download
But you won't let it bend
And I wrote two hundred letters
I won't ever send
Somehow it is cut so much
Deeper then they seem
You'd rather cover up
I'd rather let them be
So let me be
And I'll set you free
I am in misery
There ain't no other
Who can comfort me
Why won't you answer me?
Your silence is slowly killing me
Girl you really got me bad
You really got me bad
I'm gonna get you back
Gonna get you back
Your salty skin and how
It mixes in with mine
The way it feels to be
Completely intertwined
It's not that I didn't care
It's that I didn't know
It's not what I didn't feel,
It's what I didn't show
So let me be
And I'll set you free
I am in misery
There ain't no other
Who can comfort me
Why won't you answer me?
Your silence is slowly killing me
Girl you really got me bad
You really got me bad
I'm gonna get you back
Gonna get you back
Say your faith is shaken
You may be mistaken
You keep me wide awake and
Waiting for the sun
I'm desperate and confused
So far away from you
I'm getting here
Don't care where I have to go
Why do you do what you do to me
Why won't you answer me, answer me
Why do you do what you do to me yeah
Why won't you answer me, answer me
I am in misery
There ain't no other
Who can comfort me
Why won't you answer me?
Your silence is slowly killing me
Girl you really got me bad
You really got me bad
I'm gonna get you back
Gonna get you back
click to download
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Not Like The Movies
NOT LIKE THE MOVIES <----nak download click disini
He put it on me, I put it on,
Like there was nothing wrong.
It didn't fit,
It wasn't right.
Wasn't just the size.
They say you know,
When you know.
I don't know.
I didn't feel
The fairytale feeling, no.
Am I a stupid girl
For even dreaming that I could.
If it's not like the movies,
Thats how it should be.
When he's the one,
I'll come undone,
And my world will stop spinning
And that's just the beginning.
Snow white said when I was young,
"One day my prince will come."
So I wait for that date.
They say its hard to meet your match,
Find my better half.
So we make perfect shapes.
If stars don't align,
If it doesn't stop time,
If you cant see the sign,
Wait for it.
One hundred percent,
With every penny spent.
He'll be the one that,
Finishes your sentences.
If it's not like the movies,
Thats how it should be.
When he's the one,
He'll come undone,
And my world will stop spinning,
And thats just the beginning.
'Cause I know you're out there,
And your, your love came for me.
It's a crazy idea that you were made,
Perfectly for me you'll see.
Just like the movies.
That's how it will be.
Cinematic and dramatic with the perfect ending.
It's not like the movies,
But that's how it should be,
When he's the one,
You'll come undone,
And your world will stop spinning,
And it's just the beginning.
He put it on me, I put it on,
Like there was nothing wrong.
It didn't fit,
It wasn't right.
Wasn't just the size.
They say you know,
When you know.
I don't know.
I didn't feel
The fairytale feeling, no.
Am I a stupid girl
For even dreaming that I could.
If it's not like the movies,
Thats how it should be.
When he's the one,
I'll come undone,
And my world will stop spinning
And that's just the beginning.
Snow white said when I was young,
"One day my prince will come."
So I wait for that date.
They say its hard to meet your match,
Find my better half.
So we make perfect shapes.
If stars don't align,
If it doesn't stop time,
If you cant see the sign,
Wait for it.
One hundred percent,
With every penny spent.
He'll be the one that,
Finishes your sentences.
If it's not like the movies,
Thats how it should be.
When he's the one,
He'll come undone,
And my world will stop spinning,
And thats just the beginning.
'Cause I know you're out there,
And your, your love came for me.
It's a crazy idea that you were made,
Perfectly for me you'll see.
Just like the movies.
That's how it will be.
Cinematic and dramatic with the perfect ending.
It's not like the movies,
But that's how it should be,
When he's the one,
You'll come undone,
And your world will stop spinning,
And it's just the beginning.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Nak study, jom!!
ceh, nak study konon, still x mandi lagi ni( kantoi suda~~) bru pas karate...
xnak bnda yg sama jd lagi sekali... menyesal nak nanges, xboleh.. (rosak imej ceria I)
sedih tol kalau dah study pun xpaham lagi... aish~~
yg penting aku xnak benda ni jd kat aku!!
and berharap boleh lompat keriangan bila dpt result.. yay!
Ja ne~~ Watashi wa benkyō shitai~~
xnak bnda yg sama jd lagi sekali... menyesal nak nanges, xboleh.. (rosak imej ceria I)
sedih tol kalau dah study pun xpaham lagi... aish~~
yg penting aku xnak benda ni jd kat aku!!
and berharap boleh lompat keriangan bila dpt result.. yay!
Ja ne~~ Watashi wa benkyō shitai~~
Sunday, October 3, 2010
![]() |
happy and agak x betol... |
I wish I can sleep rght now, at someone lap... =P
cat facts: play with me!
Play is healthy exercise for cats. Balls of yarn or a string dangled or pulled accross the floor are irresistable to cats.
Just make sure the yarn or string is not too thin. Ingesting it is harmful and can even be deadly.
Cats also love small, lightweight toys that can be thrown and chased.
Cat Facts: tail twitching
The tail is held high when happy, low when unhappy or angry.
Twitching just the tip of the tail indicates anger, but may also occur when a cat is hunting.
Flipping the whole tail, especially slapping it on the floor, indicates irritation. Leave that cat alone!
A fluffy tail indicates fear.
Cat Facts: purrfectly happy
Purring usually indicates happiness, though it can also mean a cat is in distress.
Cats can calm themselves by purring. They also use it to express affection and when greeting other cats.
The sound is caused by vibrations in the larynx.
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